A. Understanding
the Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense is also known as
progressive past tense. This tense is used to describe a job or activity that
is going on in the past. Is said to be continuous or progressive because the
work is being done. And said past because it happened in the past. In use, this
tense usually accompanied by a sentence in the form of continuous past as well
or it could be in the form of simple past tense. Later you will easily
understand after reading function and an example sentence below. so make sure
that you read this article once.
A. Formula Past Continuous Tense.
The formulation of this tense is composed of two elements, namely past and continuous.
The characteristics of the past he always uses Verb-2 while continuous always used to
be + verb-ing. If merged then the second form (verb-2) than to be is was and were thus
the basic formula of the past continuous is: S + was / were + Verb-ing.
S + was/were + Verb-ing
She was reading a book when I
S + was/were + nominal
When I was child, I was so
S + was/were + not + Verb-ing
I was not sleeping at seven
o’clock yesterday
S + was/were + not + nominal
Meeting president was not in
my schedule
Was/were + S + Verb-ing
Were you hiking with your
friends last week?
Was/were + S + Verb-ing
Were you alone now?
c. Function Past Continuous Tense
Shows the work was
going on in the past. Example: I am sorry Jane, yesterday I could not help you
Because I was washing my car. (Sorry Jane, I can not help yesterday, because I
again nyuci my car). She was crying in my shoulder so I could not go any where.
(She cried on my shoulder so I could not go anywhere) Shows two activities that
are going on together in the past.
The fire was burning my house when my
mother was cooking last
(Ayahku sedang mandi ketika mamaku sedang masak kemarin malam)
(Ayahku sedang mandi ketika mamaku sedang masak kemarin malam)
John was operating his
computer when I was watching a movie.
(John sedang mengoperasikan komputer ketika aku sedang nonton film)
(John sedang mengoperasikan komputer ketika aku sedang nonton film)
Serves to demonstrate the activity is going on in the past when other events interrupt.
My father was taking a bath when I knocked
the door
(Ayaku sedang mandi ketika aku mengetuk pintu)
(Ayaku sedang mandi ketika aku mengetuk pintu)
She always interrupted
me when I was delivering my speech.
(Dia selalu menyela ketika aku sedang berpidato)
(Dia selalu menyela ketika aku sedang berpidato)
D. The use Description Time
Description of time spent together with the past tense, which contains last + time or time + ago. In function of the number 2 and 3, there is always a word while or when that means when / when. We may use one of them and may be exchanged, just that it would be appropriate if the activities are carried out simultaneously using a while, and if one uses when interrupting their activities.
E. Example Sentences Past Continuous.
1. I was there when you was delivering your
speech on the stage.
(Aku ada di sana ketika kamu sedang menyampaikan sambutan di atas panggung).
(Aku ada di sana ketika kamu sedang menyampaikan sambutan di atas panggung).
2. Julie was cooking in the kitchen
while I was watching a television yesterday morning.
(Julie sedang memasak di dapur ketika aku sedang menonton tv kemarin pagi).
(Julie sedang memasak di dapur ketika aku sedang menonton tv kemarin pagi).
3. Was Thidarat climbing the peak of
Rinjani mountain when I was
sleeping in my tend last
(apakah Thidarat sedang mendaki puncak gunung Rinjani ketika aku sedang tidur di dalam tenda?).
(apakah Thidarat sedang mendaki puncak gunung Rinjani ketika aku sedang tidur di dalam tenda?).
4. The rain was pouring heavy when I
arrived at home this morning.
(Hujan sedang turun dengan derasnya ketika aku sampai di rumah pagi ini).
(Hujan sedang turun dengan derasnya ketika aku sampai di rumah pagi ini).
5. I am sorry I didn’t know that you knocked at
my door yesterday because I was listening to
the music.
(Maaf, saya tidak mendengar kamu mengetuk pintu kemarin karena aku sedang mendengarkan musik).
(Maaf, saya tidak mendengar kamu mengetuk pintu kemarin karena aku sedang mendengarkan musik).
6. She was reading a book while the
library was closed.
(Dia sedang membaca buku ketika perpustakaan ditutup).
(Dia sedang membaca buku ketika perpustakaan ditutup).
7. That building was being built last year
when I passed last year, but now it’s already broken down.
(Bangunan itu sedang dibangun waktu aku lewat tahun lalu tapi sekarang sudah dirobohkan).
(Bangunan itu sedang dibangun waktu aku lewat tahun lalu tapi sekarang sudah dirobohkan).
8. Are you the one who called when I was walking around with my
girl friend in the mall yesterday?
(apakah kamu orangnya yang manggil saya waktu saya lagi jalan sama pacar saya di mall kemarin?).
(apakah kamu orangnya yang manggil saya waktu saya lagi jalan sama pacar saya di mall kemarin?).
9. Were you dancing with my girl
friend when I went to toilet?
(apakah kamu sedang berdansa dengan pacarku ketika aku pergi ke toilet).
(apakah kamu sedang berdansa dengan pacarku ketika aku pergi ke toilet).
10. The music was playing when I left that
bar last night.
(musik itu masih bermain ketika aku meninggalkan bar kemarin malam).
(musik itu masih bermain ketika aku meninggalkan bar kemarin malam).
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